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Sorry if this is too dumb question, but can i move what i've drown? i mean, not moving the canvas, but moving the image inside canvas?

Currently you can't move the entire image. But you can make a selection with the rectangle select tool and move that while pressing Shift!

Cool! I sent you another PR.


hi, where can we have a talk ? i started to do some modifs... and i think you would be interested to get it ;) let me know please... would be nice to do some coop on this one


Hi, I wouldn't mind helping to fork off of his project, don't want to put alot of work into it to find out we are recreating what he is building though.

Hello everyone and thank you for your comments! If you have ideas, suggestions, complaints, bug reports etc, feel free to open issues on Pixelorama's Github page, where I am more active!


Very nice, i've been using piskel but this would be ideal to use with godot. I have a few ideas if you want to look into it.

* preview window of animation sprite that can be scaled up/down, and play independently of the frames at the bottom (playing automatically at 12fps when program is started)

* moving the frames closer to the canvas layer window

* have up to 4  texture buttons for the brush sizes, optional textedit for larger values

* compare with Piskel, have the +, -, and clone keys embedded in the frame you have active.

* move the loop/playforward to bottom, bringing the + - CL keys closer to frames

* a checkbox to show/hide the onionskin

* up to 4 texturebuttons for onionskin, with optional edit box if you need more onion flavor

* more defined border around the line of frames at the bottom.

* hotkeys for the button 'frames' +,-,CL, etc .  playing with the source, I added Z to create a new frame, X to delete a frame, and C to clone it

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