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(6 edits)

Hy there, about the centralize problem, i added the feature on the mine using Godot (A few tweaks in the code) also i added an option button at the top left that changes the "UI" based on the mode selected

you can check it out here an if they are good then i would be happy if you add them to Pixelorama:

(Side note: you can see the places where i made the changes in scripts by searching "by variable" in the "Find in files" section in Godot)

The centralize image feature looks very interesting, feel free to open a pull request for that feature and we can take a look at it!

Would you kindly tell me how i can do that?, well the thing is... i am not familiar with GitHub (just created an account right now)

You can read our contributing guideline file for more information. It contains links to help you out if you are new to git! :)

(1 edit)

I already read it but i can't understand how to make a fork or a branch or request (Not just Git but i am new to Github as well). also as i am new i feel like i might end up breaking something

To create a fork, you have to go to the original repository ( and on the top right, click "Fork". This will created a forked repository in your account. As for the rest, this guide does a fantastic job at explaining the process!

hy there, is there any way to centralize a drawing in the middle of canvas?

The only way to move a drawing is by using the rectangular selection, making a selection with it and moving it with Shift and mouse drag. There is no automated way to centralize drawings currently.

Ok, also i noticed that in the pencil tool brushes like Dot, circle, etc can change colour but there are some brushes Like star, Hline etc (i am talking about the brushes at the end) that only paint black. How can i change them? 

Thanks in advance.

By default, the brushes are using their original colors, since it is possible to save brushes with color. To change their color, you need to set the "Brush color from" option to 100.



I have an error when trying to export the sprites, what is the solution for that?

LOL, it was my antivirus xD

Yeah sorry about that, it's a common issue with antivirus software. Not sure what we can do to fix this.

Need Android build.

Maybe in the future. Right now the UI won't work that well with mobile.

Um I have a question, how do you make your animations into a gif?

btw amazing tool just amazing 10/10

You go to Export -> Animation tab and then under the preview there is a selector which allows you to select "All frames as a single file animation". My general advice would be to use it only for smaller sized canvases with lower amount of frames because it will take a lot of time to export. If you want to do a huge animation then rather export frames as multiple files and use some online tool to create a gif from them.

(1 edit) (+1)

This is the best free pixel art program in the world.
I used it to create a Minetest mod, and I had no problem, what's more, among the other options I had this was the best without a doubt, thanks to the fact that I have it in the itch application it updates itself, it is also made in Godot, my favorite engine, every time I need to make a pixel art I will turn to Pixelorama (Google Translate)

Thank you very much, we really appreciate the kind words!

Is there any circle and rectangle draw tool here? 

Btw it's an awesome software. Don't know why not many people are talking about it.

Thank you very much! Not yet, but there will be soon. There is, however, a circle brush for the pencil tool.


Thanks for replying.

Will wait eagerly for new features.

And again Thanks for making such an awesome software.

New to pixel art and this is making it super easy to get started for free! But I do have a question, is it possible to drag a selection? Like not just the selected box but also what is in it? I'm following a tutorial on making a tilemap and dragging and dropping the selections would speed up the process like 60%. Also I was wondering if there is a way to make the grind show boxes of certain sizes. What I mean is the tiles I'm making are 16x16 but the grind is only aligned for every pixel and the ruler every 5. So I was wondering if there was a way to customize how big the grind boxes are or at least where the markers on the ruler would be, if it's not yet, it would be a cool thing for the future.

Hello! Yes, you can drag the selection and its contents by holding Shift and moving your mouse. We will most likely change how this work though, on a future update. You can change the grid's size in Edit, Preferences, Canvas, Grid width & height.


THIS IS SO GREAT, that fixes the only issues I have with it! Thank you for the reply this will speed up the process so much

(1 edit)

how to move a frame like frame 1 to pass frame 3 and to copy one layer frame so i dont redraw

Hello, you can use the buttons on the timeline to move frames. They are next to the add frame button. You can also copy frames.


ok thanks

This is great. But the font is so small on a Laptop. Zoom in works, but zoom out didn't for me, or it's a bit unintuitive maybe, tried rmb, no success. Anyway. Multi select (add to selection) would be nice, also select color range, brightness range etc. Esp to get rid of dark seams of imported material that has blurred edges on a dark background. 

Hello. If you experience issues with the font being too small, you can try scaling up the UI in Edit, Preferences, Interface, Display Scale. To zoom in and out on the canvas, you can use the mouse wheel. Mouse wheel up zooms in, down zooms out. You can also use the zoom tool. We will work on adding multi-selection on a future update!

(1 edit) (+1)

ok, thanks. An other idea is to alter brightness only for a range of  pixels, depending on their brightness, eg. to brighten a dark outline. edit - uh, I said that already ^^

(1 edit)

Sorry for bothering but is it possible to select and copy pixel art in a tab then go to a different tab and then paste it there? or is has not been implemented yet, again very sorry for bothering you. Also how do you delete the guide marks/lines?

Nothing to be sorry for! And yes, you can use the rectangle selection, copy the selection with Ctrl-C, go to the new tab, make a new selection and press Ctrl-V. We will work on improving the selection system for a future update, but this feature will not go away.


Oh ok!

There is this thing bothering me alot when I want to undo many things i have to press Ctrl + z over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again, so if there is a way to hold Ctrl + z and keep undoing pls tell me, but if its not a feature try and add it ok! 

anyways this is a amazing tool 10/10 pure awesomeness


Thank you! Sorry for that issue, our contributors have already fixed it and it will be included in the next update!


Oh ok, also thankyou for responding!


W O W C O O L :) :P

T H A N K  Y O U <3

(1 edit) (+2)

Best pixel art editor EVER! I don't know why people don't talk about this...

Also, could you guys add a select and resize tool? The rectangle tool works super well for moving sprites, but I can't seem to figure out how to resize them. Like in Asperite, you can grab it easily and make it smaller or larger. Resize tool would be great! Make add a copying and pasting feature along with the rectangle tool?

Other than that, AWESOME SOFTWARE!

Thank you! Yes, we will work on improving the selection system for a future update. You can already copy (Ctrl-C) and paste (Ctrl-V) and cut (Ctrl-X), but we will also improve this to be more natural and intuitive.

(2 edits) (+1)

This is so cool! I just found this tool and its amazing just looking at it, also is there a select tool? and is there a way to clear the pixel art I just made?(pls answer)

Thank you! Yes there is a rectangle select tool, and we are going to add more selection options in the future. You can also create a new empty image under File > New.

(1 edit)

Oh ok! thankyou so much, also amazing job! (Where is the rectangle select tool at? still getting use to the controls)

(3 edits)

You can find it on the left side, on the tool bar. It's the top-most tool. Hovering your cursor over the tool icons also displays some useful information about them.


Oh ok, thankyou very much! :)


Love the software! Could use a line tool from Asperite and keeping frames in new frames so you don't have to redraw every time!

Glad you like it! You can use the Pencil tool and hold Shift to create straight lines, but we will also create a dedicated line tool in a future update. You can also click the "Clone Frame" button, instead of "New Frame", to avoid creating an empty frame.

(1 edit)

Hy there, about my earlier comment, i did some further  experimenting with the rotate tool and saw that using Rotxel does not actually rotate the image, instead it starts to rotate the entire image. Here are the videos for better understanding:

Bug with "Rotxel":

Bug With Upscale/Downscale:

also another minor problem, that sometimes the buttons from the popups (or dialogue window? i think it is called) will extends a little bit outside the boundaries of the popup window when the dropdown option is selected to a larger option

for example if i change option from "Rotxel" to "upscale,rotate and downscale", then because the text is too large, the dropdown extends outside the boundaries of the popup window

(however, it automatically adjusts itself if i move the window a little)

The image functions do not work with the selection tool yet. The selection will get a big update in 0.9 tough.

Also, please do not hesitate to open an issue here if you find any bugs:



Hello there, Just checked the new version 8.0.2. Loved the new rotate option though i noticed a few things about it thought i should let you know.

1. I just realized there is no shortcut key implemented yet that would select everything in a given layer.

2.When using rotate tool i saw that there comes a situation where using "rotxel" to rotate the image would scale the selection very large and using the "upscale downscale" option will clip the area of the drawing that rotates outside the selected area

since i am a beginner to godot i think the possible solutions would be to assosiate a "perfect circle" selector specifically for selection of area

{the select tool is lacking options so i think a few more selection tools could be added

a. a rectangle (already exists)

b. perfect circle (its radius can be set)

c. ellipse (major and minor axes can be set)

d. free select tool (we can draw the area ourself)


Even though pixelorama is a relatively new program, It has great potential. Thanks again for taking my ideas into consideration.

It means a lot...

Should i send a Mac package of this (.pkg) to you? It is an installer that i think Mac users will prefer over the DMG.

To whom?
If you mean the developers, join the Discord under here:

I mean to the devs, thanks.

Is the Mac `.dmg` corrupt?  I get a `no mountable filesystems` error when I try to open it.

Try this one:

(3 edits) (+1)

Hy there,the software is amazing and i have an idea for a few new amazing tools. and was hoping if it would be possible to implement them.

TOOL 1 (Magic Eraser):

mode 1(the tool keeps the selected colour and erases the other colours)

mode 2(the tool keeps all colours and erases only the selected colour)

TOOL 2 (lock transparent pixels):

when checked, one can not draw over a transparent area but can only draw over a coloured area

Tool 3 (pivot rotation)

keeping the option to rotate entire image WHERE IT IS, a new tool would be introduced alongside select tool.It would work as follows:

1: a drop-down in its properties listing two modes (Draw and Rotate)

Draw mode: will be used to draw the area that will be later influenced by a pivot point pressing "Apply" in the properties (for draw mode) will temporary move the selected area to a temporary new layer

Rotate mode: first a pivot point is determined by the intersection point of the symmetry lines and then the selected area is rotated around that pivot by an angle set in properties (for draw mode). we can then later merge the two layers back together

Tool 4 (Console Mode)

when i was 12 i used to play with "Q BASIC" (a programming language). I used to play with its code to draw basic shapes

(This would give you an idea)

A console for pixelorama would be awesome.

Thanks in advance.

Thank you! Your ideas are interesting, we'll definitely note them!

(2 edits)

Thanks,also i just realized i don't think there is a Select all function yet, it would be very helpful. Also i forgot to add another idea(it has no significant importance and not related to pixel art) but i think i shall tell it anyway

Tool (Bone System):

It is based on the assumption that multiple layers of a frame can be rotated by different angles and around different pivots.

Only theory but i think that a tool could be introduced that.

1. Opens up a window and views the current frame that is selected (layers included) 

2. Then you can go on and place pivots for rotation, one pivot for each layer. (not on actual drawing, only inside the window)

3. Then we can rotate each layers based on their separate sliders and pivots given in the window.

nvm figured it out .-.

after making my image how do i make it a PNG file?

i made this how is it 



Firstly, it's an absolutely brilliant programme. Well done! I'm looking to use it to create animations for an LED matrix. Is there a way to export the animations created as a single file (all the frames) in some kind of raw data format. Ideally, that would be a kind of frame,Xpixel,Ypixel,R,G,B but really anything I could work with at all if I could just get the raw data to manipulate. Thanks so much

(10 edits)

That’s kind of a niche use-case.

It’s really simple to use a ready-made PNG loader like Python’s Pillow, Rust’s image, Qt’s QImage, GTK’s GdkPixbuf, SDL’s SDL_image [2], OpenCV’s imread [2], etc. and then write out the pixel data in the format you want.

…and, as a bonus, it’ll take PNG input from any tool you want, not just Pixelorama, and will usually accept other image formats too.

(All those links point to the documentation for how to access the raw pixel data with the given library.)

I don’t have personal experience with them, so I don’t know which to recommend, but similar ready-made PNG decoders exist for Lua, Node.js, C#, Java, Free Pascal, Free Basic, and just about anything else you might be working in. (With PHP being a notable pain point because their default “expected to be there” image routines wrap the C API for libGD but don’t provide a replacement for “just dereference the pointer to get the image data”.)

GDScript and QB64 [2] appear to come with PNG loaders as standard.


First off: loving most things about Pixelorama so far. It's great!

That said: I have noticed that Pixelorama will sometimes add black pixels to the edges or remove edge pixels when exporting a gif with a transparent background. This is, honestly, my only complaint about the software thus far.

Is there anything that can be done about this?


Hello! Thank you for the kind words! Gif exporting was a feature implemented by our contributors, so we can't directly help you. If you want, you can open an issue on GitHub, so the contributors can see it.


I just downloaded Pixelorama using the software manager in Linux Mint but I cannot open up my files as they are located on another hard disk drive which is mounted at /mnt/.

Before I used the software manager I just downloaded Pixelorama manually as a zip and extracted it to a folder called /tools/pixelorama where I have other tools stored as well. Doing so allowed me to manually fix permissions and I was good to go.

But when I use the version from the software manager, I can only access my user folders. And I am almost 100% certain it has to do with permissions. However, I would like to fix this quick and ugly so I can continue but I don't know where Pixelorama has been installed. Could you tell me? In case you need to know, Linux Mint is based on Ubuntu so wherever it gets installed on Ubuntu, it will be installed on Linux Mint too.

Thanks in advance!

This sounds like a Flatpak sandboxing. Flatpak has a feature that it installs every app separately and sets up permissions very strictly so they cannot potentially damage your system. If that's the case you have to add something like "--filesystem=host" when launching Pixelorama.


Hi! I am developing a program with Godot and am wondering how you coded the drag-to-open system. I also noticed you can directly open .pxo files with it, and am wondering about that.


Hello! For the drag-to-open system, all you need to do is connect the `files_dropped` signal from SceneTree, and load the files from the PoolStringArray argument, which has the paths of the files you dropped.

To directly open files, you can use `OS.get_cmdline_args()`, which also returns a PoolStringAray.

Deleted 4 years ago
(1 edit)

Thanks! I can't find any way to use the SceneTree. Please tell me how i can find it!

Or maybe i can

You can call `get_tree()` from any node, and it will return the SceneTree

I made it print the file path, but i could not program it to get rid of the "[" and "]". How did you do it?

You can see Pixelorama's source code on GitHub. This, specifically, can be found in, in the handle_loading_files() method.

Oh, and can you try to fix the error where it doesn't save correctly? I use this a lot and it happens constantly.

"Error: can't save file. Error code: 23."

I am confused... is this made with Godot or from Godot

By the way the .pxo importer doesn't seem to work...

It is made with the Godot Engine. If you look at Pixelorama's source code in GitHub, it's basically a Godot project. You can easily download it and run it in Godot! :)

As for your issue, we already solved it in Discord, but for anyone else that is reading, in the Web version, the only way to currently load .pxo files is to drag and drop them in Pixelorama. The "Open" option in the File menu does not work for .pxo files. This is a Web version limitation, the desktop versions do not have this issue.

Hi guys, i loved this software, using it now for a game i'm working on.

Just wanna know if there's some way to select and drag multiple layers of a frame simultaneously, would be awesome for my workflow, sometimes i draw in a bigger canvas than i need and need to relocate the drawing to make the canvas the smaller possible.

Also would like to know if you guys have plans to make a rotation tool for selected content instead of entire layer.

Thanks for the tool, is helping a lot :D

Hello, thank you for the kind words!

1) This is currently not possible, but we plan on working on it on a future update.

2) Yes, actually, on GitHub's master branch we have already made it possible for the rotate image effect to only affect the selection. This feature will be available in the next update, which will most likely be v0.8.2. Turning rotation into a tool, or making it easier to rotate a selection directly (probably through gizmos) is something we are also considering.

yes i was also waiting for a rotate tool, it would be great.

Also i was wondering if it would be possible to make an archive of older versions of pixelorama in case someone wants to use an older version of pixelorama due to compatibility issues etc.

(2 edits)

You can find older versions in our GitHub Releases page.

It's not recommended because generally the newest versions are more stable, and we will not fix issues that only exist on older releases.

(1 edit)

I can't export, all I get is an error 12 message, and i tried making small changes, but it still gave me the same thing. I tried running as administrator and putting in the root, but it still gave me the same error. Please help

Hello. Can you tell us what operating system you are using and where are you trying to save? Error code 12 usually means that you can't save in that directory, which could potentially even be a permissions issue. For example, I'm using Windows 10, and error code 12 appears when I try to save on C:/Users, but it works when I save on Desktop.

also since download program goes unresponsive and a force shut down must completed. i like the idea of this program, i understand it is very new and probably still in development. however with not being able to freely move around canvas and its unresponsiveness after 15 min. im having some doubts.

while zoomed in on canvas, i am unable to freely move around the canvas. is there a way to move to the other side of my zoomed in canvas?

Hello! You can use the mouse wheel or Space while moving your mouse to move the canvas.


New update looks great! Though, I've noticed as I move my cursor across the canvas, it gets really janky and shakes a whole bunch. Is this a bug in the new update? If you guys can help me with this, it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Hello. I do not experience this issue. What Operating System are you using?

I am using a Windows x64-based PC.


This looks pretty cool, but unfortunately is unusable on my machine (at least the web version) due to scaling issues.

I have a 4k screen, and the web version renders with all the text and controls extremely small.  I have not tested the desktop version.

A fix to this issue would be appreciated.


Hello, thank you for the feedback. This is a known issue unfortunately. You can see this GitHub issue for more information

We will do our best to find a fix!



I am really grateful for the new version! The new tools are really welcome. But I experience a tool hangup very often when I try to select pixels using the rectangular selection tool.

All I see is a small blue selection rectangle of 1x1px on the position I tried to drag a rectangle. But I cannot seem to do anything except for moving my cursor. I cannot erase pixels or draw them. And it really is starting to get rather frustrating. This bug did not exist in the previous version.

Hello, sorry for the trouble caused. When you say previous version, are you referring to 0.7 or 0.8? Between 0.8 and 0.8.1, the only changes in the selection rectangle were related to the new "cut" option, paste and delete. Does the issue have to do with either of these options?

We plan on reworking the selection system for 0.9, so it's possible this issue might be fixed by then.

Good grief, I would not know which I version I had before. I only know I did not update it since my last comment, so I'd say my previous version was the version available at that time. And to answer your other question, I don't think so. It just randomly hangs. Not the selection tool but every tool. I can move my cursor and click on buttons but it does not seem to do anything. As if your screen freezes and you can only move your cursor. I don't know how to explain it correctly. Next time it happens I'll take a screenshot, hopefully that clarifies more.

I was doing animation... I was saving a file, but suddenly the application crashed and now I can't open the file. The file size is 0 B. Can I somehow recover the file? Please, help :( ... (And this is the second time :'( )


Hello. Sorry about the issue, we are currently investigating the cause and trying to fix it. Do you have backups enabled? If so, when you open Pixelorama again it should tell you to reload a backup.

Hy, The new version works great and the Cut tool is very helpful. I was also looking for a feature similar to "Lock transparent pixels" in photoshop. A feature like that would be very helpful since i dont have photoshop on my Linux. Thanks

This is an interesting idea, we'll note it for a future update!


Hy there,i found that in V0.8 i could simply paste an image (.jpeg or .png) in "pixelorama_data/Brushes/" and it pixelorama would recognize it as a brush on restart(same was true for patterns) but in V0.81 this method only works for .png (i could still import it as pattern or brush from inside pixelorama or convert it to .png first before pasting) i was wondering if it is a bug and thought i should let you know.

Hello, yes that sounds like a bug, we will investigate it. Thanks for letting us know!

Deleted 4 years ago

Thanks for the feedback and sorry for the issue caused. Can you tell us a bit more about the bug? Are you choosing a color from the color pickers or from a palette? And after you do, it doesn't let you draw, or are there other steps involved? It is important for us to know how to reproduce the issue, so we can solve it. Thanks!

Deleted 4 years ago
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