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Pixelorama is great but could you bring back monochromatic colour palette please?

(3 edits)

Hy, it seems the palettes were merged into pixelorama palette 🤔

Though you can still download the old palettes from here

(Click the palette you want to download, then click the (...) button, and select "download")

Hi! Do you happen to have any functionality with graphic tablets? I searched but I didn't find a quick and easy way to zoom in.

Hy, you can use the zoom tool. To use it, click and drag left/right

im on mac, i cant see the tool bar on the top, so im unable to crop the canvas e.t.c. how do i fix this

(1 edit)

The tool bar is above the encircled part (I have highlighted it in yellow)

I have a small question.

Does Pixelorama have a gradient tool?

Hy 👋

It has a gradient effect (Similar to tool but you add gradient through a dialog).


i did not realized there was filter.

for some reason it has randomly started to not show up on my screen

it does open and shows up on my taskbar but the window itself briefly shows up and then disappears

clicking on it on the taskbar doesn't do anything
is this an issue with having two monitors since I installed one since the last time I used it

Hello! Yeah this may be a multi-monitor issue. You can try clearing Pixelorama's settings to see if that fixes the issue for you. You can do that by deleting the "config.ini" file found in C:\Users\[USERNAME]\AppData\Roaming\Pixelorama\ if you are on Windows, ~/.local/share/Pixelorama/ if you are on Linux, or /Users/[USERNAME]/Library/Application Support/Pixelorama/ if you are on macOS.

hello ,i have a question.


i want to copy pixel art from frame1 to the frame2.

but i dont know how.

should i use "link cell to" for copy to the frame2?

HY if you want to copy to frame 2, and then make changes to that cel on frame 2, use copy/paste (Ctrl + C, Ctrl +  V) or clone frame button.

But if you want the two to have EXACTLY the same image (changes to frame 2 also gets applied to frame 1) then use "link cels to"


How do i export to unity?

Hello! You can export your project as multiple png images, one for every frame, or you can export all of your frames into a single spritesheet, which you can later import to Unity. More info about exporting here:

Android (Tablet) release when?

(1 edit) (+1)

Hy 👋, It's planned but currently the focus is on PC at the moment so it in the far future.

Though you can still use it for a tablet through the web version


That's okay, I'll wait.

I tend to struggle with web versions with my tablets sadly. Any browsers you would recommend however?

bug report for v1.0.3-stable:

it seems that the effects have stopped working completely and also leave the screen dark after closing them. this also happens with some other popups, while others undo the screen darkening. i have also noticed some graphical errors like flickering triangles, however i think the video fps is too low to see them here

(1 edit)

Hy, If you have any extensions installed, they might be causing this behavior, please update them if you have any.

Extensions that were installed during 1.0 stable and not updated, will cause some problems for 1.0.2 and 1.0.3 (because they were made a little differently)

thanks, after updating extensions the effects work correctly now

Glad to help

Hola, por alguna razón cuando intento dibujar con el lápiz de la tableta gráfica no funciona, solamente hace un puntito de color.

Hy, have you tried changing the driver, from the preferences? Maybe it'll help

Te refieres a desinstalar el que ya tiene e instalar otro nuevo  ¿o como?

No tengo mucha idea de como funciona eso jaja,  por eso aunque vi abajo a alguien con el mismo problema volví a preguntar.

Tampoco logro encontrar donde están las preferencias.

Si sirve de algo es una  wacom intuos ctl490dw, sin pantalla de antes del año 2020. 

(1 edit)

You can change your driver from here (this option is shown for Windows OS only). Set the driver to something else (From the list of options)

Ahh con que ahí era, muchas gracias si me sirvió.

Que tengas un lindo día/noche <3

 por fin logre dibujar algo

Glad to help 😄

The changes you've made to this software are just astounding!!! And those extensions are great, too! I hope you don't mind if I make a couple of suggestions:

- Could there be a way to have thumbnails of .pxo files in the file browser? I have a lot of files and I think it would be great to see a thumbnail without having to actually open the file to see what's in it.

- Currently, I'm not able to move the color picker pop up in Gradient Map effects out of the way so that I can pick colors from the canvas or palette.

- Merging two layers with different opacity gives a wrong result. Put a color on a layer at <100% opacity, then make another layer on top with a different color and also <100% opacity to reproduce this.

- It would be great to have a way to flatten all layers without having to merge them individually or exporting and then re-importing a .png. Even better if one can merge only visible layers!

- The ability to zoom and pan in the Effects preview window would be a welcome relief! Or even making it possible to see changes on the canvas in realtime just like in Layer Effects.

- Possibility of importing .gifs?

I'm using Pixelorama 1.0.3-dev on Linux Mint.

I'd really like to thank your team for all the hard work!

Hello, thank you for the feedback!
- We could look into creating a custom file browser that has thumbnails, but for now you can enable native file dialogs from the Edit menu, Prefrences, under the Interface category. This option will use your operating system's file browser.
- This will be fixed in the next update!
- This is an interesting observation. Right now, when merging two layers together, the layer above keeps its opacity, and the layer below also keeps its own opacity, which makes the top layer appear to have less opacity than it used to. What would be the correct behavior instead?

The rest of the ideas all sound useful and we're noting them for the future. For .gif importing, it's technically already possible if you have FFMPEG installed, and you put its path in the Preferences, under the Startup category, but eventually we'd like to add .gif importing without having to rely to FFMPEG.


Whoops, looks like I had replied on the wrong thread, sorry!

I made a small test for opacity.

A is two separate overlapping layers: Blue Blob - layer opacity 72%, on top of Red Blob, layer opacity 65%. There is a separate Background layer, White, Layer opacity 100%. There are no layer effects on any of the layers.

I duplicated the two colored layers to make B, which I then merged into one layer. As you can see, the Blue Blob in B becomes much lighter than it originally was and the color where the two blobs overlap also becomes lighter. If I switch the layer order, Red Blob layer over Blue Blob layer, the reverse happens and Red Blob becomes much lighter. Would it be possible to merge the two layers and have the new merged layer have the same result as A?

-My OS file browser doesn't show thumbnails of .pxo files, unfortunately.

- I'm glad to hear the color picker issue will be fixed, that's great news!

- I'd like to thank you also for adding Contrast as an effect! You exceeded what I had imagined when I had asked about the feature (adding saturation and RGB sliders!, A tint effect, whaat?!!) Absolutely top-tier work!

- I'm looking forward to the next release, along with @Variable's Index Map effect.

Thank you for the reply! Right now it seems that there is no way to merge the two layers and have them be the same as A, but we will keep this in mind and change it in a future version.

This was the best pixel animators/drawer I found so far!
The feature was very pixel friendly like and easy to use!

I also got some suggestion for the software:
- A performance improvement updates, since I only got like 7 fps on animation mode...
- A gaussian blur filter
- Draw on animation mode without "Pressing & Moving" the cursor "Only Pressing" and we draw through the animated sprites

Overall it's a really good software. I'm in love with this tool.

Thank you very much for the feedback!
- Do you have any example projects that we can use to replicate the performance issues? Or at least can you let us know how many layers and frames your project has? Posting your device's specifications (such as the operating system, CPU, GPU, RAM etc) would also be helpful!
- Gaussian blur is coming in the next update!
- That is a good idea, noted!

Deleted 18 days ago

Here is the project that I working for!

It's a 64 x 64 Sprites
It had 6 layers which in layer 5, 4, 2 had a Brightness / Contrast filter in it.

Here is my Laptop specs!
Processor: AMD A4-9125 RADEON R3, 4 COMPUTE CORES 2C+2G 2.30 GHz
Ram: 16,0 GB
Operating System: Windows 10 64-Bit

Really looking forward this!

(1 edit)

Hy, have you tried increasing the fps value (from the image it's set to play at 9fps)

Yes I already did make it 30 fps and it's just playing on like 6 / 7 fps

As a temporary workaround, you can go to the View menu and disable "Display Layer Effects". This will disable the previewing of layer effects in the canvas, but they will still be applied in the exported images. Layer effects are currently hindering performance, we're currently considering ways on how to improve that.


Now that I've tried the latest version (I've been using 0.11 before) I have to leave some negative feedback.

1. All my shortcuts were gone and it was quite cumbersome to assign them from the scratch.

2. I had a pxo-project with multiple layers and many frames (enemy animations for the game I'm developing) and when I tried to export some of the layers into spritesheets, the whole process was very cumbersome and slow. (My specs Ryzen2600x, RTX2070, 16 gb RAM)

  • Every time I made changes to settings, it took a while for them to happen (every time the program froze for few seconds) and some weird stuff started to happen. For example if I made 6 rows, as soon as I changed some other setting the program changed rows to 12. If I changed it back to six, the program doubled the amount of columns etc. This lead also to that it started to change scaling bigger, for example if I had scaling in 200% it was changed to 400% - the value in the settings stayed at 200%, but the size of the spritesheet was many times bigger (probably because the program doubled the rows/columns by itself).

I got so frustrated that I reverted back to the older version, but now I'm not able to load my pxo-project with it anymore. Now every time I try to load it with the older version, the whole program crashes.

I was finally able to make the spritesheets with the latest version, but it took some time and patience. Apparently if I want to change the amount of columns and rows, I can't write the exact amount using the keyboard. Instead I have to click the increase/decrease arrows and every time I click them, the program freezes for few seconds. So it took quite a while to change rows to 9 from 56 or whatever the amount was.

I love the older versions, because they are fast and easy to use with all the necessary features I need, but this new one is just slow and cumbersome. Definitely not worth the update for me, at least in this state.


I decided to give the latest version another chance and while exporting and some other stuff are still slow, I'm starting to get by with them. I really hope there will be some performance improvements in the future, because this is still a great program.

(1 edit)

Hy, sorry for the trouble.

For the shortcuts and project, it was unavoidable because it was a breaking change (the way projects get saved is different now)

Regarding the slow export can you send a project file that is slow, and provide a video showing the bug (on discord). We'll look at it 😄.

Hello, thank you so much for reporting the issue! I tested a project with 256 frames, and there is indeed a significant performance decrease in v1.0 compared to v0.11 when changing any kind of setting in the export dialog (which includes the amount of rows/columns in a spritesheet). This is due to the new layer blending system that supports blending modes, which did not exist in v0.11. However, it is possible to make this faster by simply caching the blended frames once when the export dialog appears, instead of re-blending them every time something changes. I am currently working on this and it should be available in the next version, so you shouldn't experience any slowness when changing the number of rows/columns.

As for the 6 rows turning to 12 issue, I cannot seem to replicate it. If you have any exact reproduction steps, it would be very helpful!

(1 edit)

hello,May I ask a question?

1:Does Pixelorama have a smudge brush(blur)?

2:Also, is it possible to edit the UI theme by myself? I would like to have a light gray theme.

Hello! There's no blur tool at the moment. As for themes, the only way to achieve this would be by creating an extension with Godot that adds a custom theme.

Thank you for the comment. I understood it. I will use it as is.

una pregunta ¿como puedo poner una imagen de referencia para guiarme y poder hacer mi dibujo?

Hello, you can drag and drop an image and from import options, choose "reference image".

(1 edit)

I'm facing a performance issue on v1.0.2-stable (Linux 64 bit version). When I play the animation, everything works too low, so if I zoom out, it gets more fluid (but still slow), also is not possible to draw due the intense lag. In the previous version everything goes perfect.

Hello, this may be a performance issue caused by the new group blending. If you have any group layers, try setting their blend mode to "Passthrough".

(2 edits)

I'm on Mac OS Sonoma and it crashes when I unchecked "Single window mode"

It does this every time


Thanks for the bug report! Unfortunately we don't own a Mac to test it, but we'll keep the issue in mind in case we find a fix.

(1 edit) (+1)

In need shortcut key to switch left tool and right tool.

I can't switch color by key "x" since update.

In need clipping mask for layer Group


Thanks for the feedback!
- This is a nice idea, noted.
- Are you using a custom shortcut profile? If so, it may have been broken if you have updated from 0.x to 1.x. Try deleting it from the Preferences and creating an new one.
- This is now possible in today's update!

I realized this is a bug switch color shortcut only works when the Color Picker is visible

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