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Hy, if anyone here's interested to use the extension system, here's the "VariableStore" (Lots of extensions available there)

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I have been using this app for some months now it's very cool !

Thank you, glad you think so!


Thanks a million!
Im currently making a minecraft datapack and this really comes in use for making custom items!

Good to know you are finding it useful!

Is there a fill + outline option for shape tools?

Shape tools (rectangle and ellipse) have a "Fill Shape" option in their tool options on the right side of the application that, when enabled, create filled shapes. Is this what you mean?

No, unless I missed a step there. It created a shape, but no outline; it only drew a filled shape. Is there a way to set a fill color separate from the outline color? Thanks!

Well I can set the left mouse button with the shape tool to draw an outline shape, then set the right mouse button with the bucket tool to fill the outline shape. I was expecting the shape tool to draw a shape with a left-color outline, and a right-color fill.

Yeah this is the only way to achieve what you want as of right now, there is no option for different colors for fill and outline.


Thank you for hosting this tool on for free, we really appreciate it is a valuable tool for our game development and store.

I give this application a ★★★★★ star rating.



We are very happy that you find it useful for your development, thank you for your rating!

(2 edits)

App is not launching from app on linux Manjaro. Attempting to Compile results in OS package manager compiling against godot4 instead of 3.5.2. (Package is from the AUR -Arch Linux- repos.) There doesn’t seem to be a straight forward way to DL a functioning latest version for linux, without doing some serious editing to the build scripts.

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We're not sure why the launching from the app doesn't work, but downloading the binary from the file website should work. There is also the option of Flatpak. We do not manage any AUR packages for Pixelorama, so we can't guarantee how up to date they are and how well they work. To compile it, you need to download Godot 3.5.2 manually (either from their website or Flatpak) and run Pixelorama as a project, which can be found on GitHub. We have plans to update to Godot 4 soon.


I appreciate y’all! I know it’s difficult to update to godot 4 if your project deploys to web. I understand about the AUR thing. I’ll message that package maintainer next. What I’ve gathered is Godot has changed the reference “godot” in linux pkgs to point to 4 latest instead of 3 latest so when u dl and install from AUR the pkg manager compiles with the wrong version. So, I’ll ping the maintainer next. Thanks for all your hard work. I can’t wait to try the new features!

i really really like this program!, but it does have a problem where sometimes it just crashes or doesn't update the canvas.
also a selection rotate tool would be appreciated lul

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Thank you for the feedback! Rotation gizmos for selection are planned and will come in a future update! We apologize for the issues, if you have any example crashes with steps to reproduce them it would be greatly appreciated, because that would help us to potentially fix them.


i walked up to this tool, took it, and it's now mine



Hy, if anyone here's interested to use the extension system, here's the "VariableStore" (Lots of extensions available there)




lets play n1 together the map is desert code CVC7

it's hard to understand pls help

Sure, how do i help?


Congratulations on the update! The tool is so good it's scary! The only reason I still don't use it is the fact that, when exporting the frames, the "_" is placed between the tag names and between the numbers to separate them. As I still edit a lot of my game images and they are saved with "-", I unfortunately can't save over them. It's a lot of work to save in another folder, edit the names and cut to the original folder.

Do you intend to modify this one day so that it is possible to separate the tags and numbers with another character (or maybe not separate)?


Thank you for your kind words and feedback! Yes, giving more freedom to modify the format of the exported file names is something we plan on doing eventually.


I love this and it's quickly becoming my main pixel art tool! Also I submitted it to for when you choose which tools you used for your project! Can't wait to see what comes in the next update!


The next one has a LOT of new things 😉


Thank you so much! Glad you like it! :D

This is the first program to make Pixel Art that I use, and I must say that I loved it, I didn't need a lot of time to learn how to use it, I really recommend it

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Thank you for the kind words, glad you like it!


It's the best free pixel art tool I've ever seen, it's like Aseprite, but free


Thank you, glad you like it!

I have a question, I watched the 0.9 Showcase video and I saw that you made a reflection on the water, how do I do that too?


You use the select tool to select the image, then you paste it into a new layer and use image > flip. Then, you lower the opacity and you make a blue overlay. (That’s what I think happened but I’m not 100% sure)

Thanks for answering my question.

The tool is very good, I understand that they get better with each update, I have a recommendation and that is that style layers can be grouped as a folder to, for example, create all the objects in a scenario and group them in a folder and not have to join layers as improvements may need to be made to each layer separately.

Hy, It has been implemented in 0.11.0 which will arrive soon


This is awesome! Is there also touch/graphic-tablet support? (or is it coming?)

Mouse controls are awesome, but tried it on a Microsoft Surface with a pen and the controls didn’t seem as intuitive.

Hy 👋, Yes it is coming in v0.11.0 which will come soon.

Thank you! Tablets should already be supported, although you may need to disable Windows Ink for them to work properly on Windows (should be the same with Microsoft Surfaces). In the next version, you will be able to change the tablet driver being used from Pixelorama's preferences, without needing to disable Windows Ink completely. Pen pressure is also coming.

Unfortunately, we don't have a Microsoft Surface to test some specific controls, so if you have some specific changes/improvements in mind, feel free to let us know!


I will test 0.11 out on my surface and let you know

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I agree

this is a great program but the eraser tool stopped working for me and i can only use it with the right click thing :[


You can left click on the eraser tool to use it with left click

tried. didnt work. thats why im using it w the right click tool :/


Any chance of an Android version coming out?


It will most likely happen yes, but after version 1.0 is out. There's no timeline yet, but we will make an announcement when the time comes.


Really great software. Absolutely love it! I'm looking forward to donating this

Thank you so much! It would be very appreciated!


This is really well done! I find this as a great free alternative to aseprite 

Thank you!

I have a question about this software. How do I change then default path it asks me to save my file in?

If you save your project in a certain path, the software should remember that path next time you save a project.


Thanks for the information!

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red sus

Will it have a .ase format support?

It may be able to load .ase files one day, but it's not planned at the moment.

Is it possible to layer a transparent picture over the canvas? Im trying to make some of my art into sprites but im hopeless at pixel art and it would be really helpful.

Not in the current stable version, but it will be possible in the next version, in the form of reference images. Right now, you can make Pixelorama's window transparent (by going to the Window menu -> Window Opacity) and have the picture opened in an image viewer app below Pixelorama's window.

How to hide the tool icons flouting next to my cursor 

You can go to the Edit menu, select Preferences, and under Cursors, disable "Show left tool icon" and "Show right tool icon".


Really appreciate having a tool like this on MacOS. Sometimes all I want is something that I could do in Gamemakers’ sprite editor, but everything out there is so complicated in comparison. Thank you :)

Glad you find it useful!

A great feature to have is to have artboards, selective exporting, batch exporting (separating sprites as assets). Good for working with an atlas.

Hello, do you mean something like this?

ohhh exactly, additionally I don't quite seem to find a way to separately play different animation in the same sprite sheet. Is there a way I haven't heard off?

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why is it blurring?

It's most likely a hiDPI monitor issue. Try going to the Edit menu, selecting Preferences, Interface, and resize the user interface.


Ok, You are approved cool!

Thank you! :D


Tenía un problema con el tamaño de las letras y este comentario fue de gran ayuda. ¡Muchas gracias!


Very amazing! considering this was made in godot is so incredible May i request a feature? Can you make the brush size adjustable with + and - keys??


The version 0.11 will allow quickly changing the brush size with Ctrl + mouse wheel.

oh, Thanks!!

This is definitely the best pixel art app that I've used I absolutely love it!!!! 

Thank you so much!


Using this for 2 years now definitely the best pixel art editor out there.

Thanks! We're happy to have you with us for so long!


This program is so great, the cursor is fast and has pixel perfect, the timeline is super noob friendly but also very complete and the palettes are easy to import. I would love to see it getting a couple more tools in the future, like a curve tool, text, and modes for the layers, sorry if I ask too much, I just got used to programs photoshop like; but it still amazing.

Thank you for the kind words, and we're really glad that you like it! More features will definitely come in the future, and a text tool is already under development.


Pixelorama is the best pixel art software. I am using for my projects. Soon I will release some games on !!

Thank you so much for the kind words! We look forward to playing your games!

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I have a question/recommendation,

Is there or is there a way to emulate this tool that switch colors with a certain pattern?

There is a pattern mode in the bucket tool. I am not sure if that's exactly what you wanted but it does replace a specific colour with a selected pattern.

WOOOOOOW that's so good !!! (and made with gowodot lezgo omg) the only thing that it lacks for me to use it as my main pixel art support for my tablet pen, i'll keep waiting for it xD

Thank you so much for the kind words! Pixelorama should work with all kinds of tablets already, since they are being treated as mice. Unless by support you mean pen pressure, which Pixelorama indeed does not support yet, but it will in the future.

Ah I have a bug then : i'm using a surface pro 7 win11 and an onscreen pen but it draws at most points...

like for it to draw anything using my pen I have to just "click" and it only makes a point (with the size and color of the pen), if i hold and drag it doesn't draw anything, like i see the mouse position following a bit before going back to the position where the pen touched first and it doesn't draw anything and also some icons in the bottom right of my task bar begins flickering xD

I tried with the pen tool in both mouse slots (idk the official words x) ) and everything works well with my mouse and even with touch

It's possible that Windows Ink is causing issues, try disabling it. It has been reported by multiple users that Windows Ink does not work well with Pixelorama. In the next version, we will add an option in the Preferences to change the tablet driver that Pixelorama uses on Windows, so you won't have to disable Windows Ink anymore.


Wow I used the Browser version and so far it's awesome! I will download this and use it for games and maybe even pixel animation

Glad you like it!


Hey! I love the program, really good UI.

I have two suggestions for the colorpicker. It should pick colors from all the layers, not only the current layer. And it would be great to have a temporal shortcut (like holding alt in photoshop). So you can pick a color sample and immediately continue drawing, without the need to re-select the drawing tool. 

Thank you, awesome work!

Hello, thank you for the feedback! Holding Alt while you have a drawing tool selected already works as a color picker, and the shortcut can change in the Preferences (under Shortcuts, Tool modifiers, Draw tools, Quick color picker). As for the color picker picking from all the layer, this is planned and will happen at some point! :)

Oh I didn't noticed it, thanks!

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