Loving the release candidate. Just a few problems/suggestions here and there:
- Checking the fill shape option in the curve tool just crashes the program once you double click
- Popup windows close themselves when focusing on another window and then focusing back on pixelorama
- The draggable area for resizing popup windows is kind of small
- Not sure how raw color is supposed to work, but the sliders go all the way up to 100 and only values up to 1 seem to actually affect the color
- When playing the animation only on frames of the same tag and clicking on a frame with a different tag from the one currently playing, the animation simply goes back to the frames with the tag that was originally playing. it would be nice if the animation continued playing from the clicked frame and then playing only the frames that share its tag instead of having to pause the animation, click on the frame, and continue the animation
- It would be nice to be able to instantly zoom to different levels, like in the godot engine editor where you can press 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 to zoom in to 100%, 200%, 400%, and so on. i understand that there is an integer zooming option but my personal problem with that option is that it feels too imprecise when zoomed far out and too slow when zoomed close in
- When manually typing in the value of the canvas rotation and zoom level, bringing the cursor into the canvas deselects them
Aside from that, absolutely brilliant program as ever.
Thank you very much for the feedback! - I can't seem to reproduce this issue in my tests. Are there any exact steps that need to be done (besides the enabling the fill shape option and double clicking) in order for it to crash?
- Unfortunately this seems to be an issue with Godot's `Window` node. In order for popup windows to close when users click outside of them, the `exclusive` flag needs to be disabled and `popup_window` needs to be enabled. But this has the side effect of the issue you described. I'm not sure if this intentional behavior from Godot's part and I might report it to them, but for now we either have to choose whether we want popup windows not to close when clicking outside and fix the issue, or leave them as is.
- Good point, they have been increased from 4 to 16 now. The change is not visible but the draggable area has indeed been increased. We could increase it more if that's not enough.
- Raw color is meant to be used for HDR, which Pixelorama does not currently support. Values higher than 1 are for HDR, which is why they have no effect. We're keeping raw mode mostly because it may be useful to choose color values that are in the range of 0-1.
- Noting it for the next version, as 1.0 is currently in release candidate and don't want to accidentally break anything 😅.
- That is a nice idea, although my main concern is that the number buttons (like 1, 2, 3, etc) could also be used for more things, such as quickly selecting frames, or even swatches from the palette. We should eventually decide which of these functionalities are more important so we can map the number buttons to it, and the rest could be combinations with other keys such as `Control` and `Shift`.
- This was a recent change, the currently selected user interface element becomes unfocused when the mouse cursor enters the canvas. This was done in order to fix issues with the keyboard arrow keys affecting the user interface when they should be affecting the canvas (either moving it or moving the active selection if there is one and a selection tool is selected). I could look into making some UI elements be exceptions to this behavior.
- This is a limitation of the layers are being blended in 1.0, which is also responsible for previewing their movement when using the move tool. Eventually I want to experiment with another way of blending layers, so this issue could be fixed then.
1. sorry, i was mistaken. the program doesn't crash - it freezes, particularly on larger drawings. it does unfreeze if you wait long enough, so just a cpu/memory limitation/problem or somethin.
3. 16 seems to be enough
8. i see. i'd also like to add a related problem i've noticed: the preview does not update until you move far enough. it seems to snap at a certain number of pixels, and it scales the bigger the canvas is.
Really cool tool. Good work. But someting bothering me. Can you snap by center of 2x2 and not by corner of a pixel? So. Imagine i have cursor over gray pixel, anywhere but right on it. So it will be botton right corner of 2x2 zone in even sized selection. If i have odd size on pencil it will be exactly the center of it. This is exactly fine.
The problem with even size, because i'd like to have center where corners shared if tool size is even.
I know this is not a github where i probably should report that, but still. Thank you. 5 stars
UPD: Looks like images is not loading, but i hope they will later.
Hello, thank you for the feedback! Are you referring to the draw tool's brush size? Due to the nature of pixels, in even sizes, it's not possible to have centered pixels, so a 2x2 brush size will always be drawn when the mouse cursor is one of its four corners.
Hi, yes, i'm talking about draw tool's brush size. I do understand that is impossible to have centered pixels on an even sized brush, but i think it can be done with having pixel corner as it's center. I did a little demo: https://imgur.com/a/QMQrWOM.
This does seem like a smoother way to do it, and I wondered at first why this is not already how it works, but I think it might actually make drawing precise or straight lines a bit difficult, so I think this would be better as a toggleable option. Maybe call it "dynamic brush centering" or something.
Hello! I really like this tool and the improvements for the 1.0 version are gamechangers! I was just wondering if it would be possible to add contrast as an effect? I really hate having to go to another app to adjust contrast and RGB balance. Also, does Voxelorama work? All it does is add a new menu item that doesn't seem to do anything in my 1.0 nightly build, and I can't get any info on how it works.
Hello! Yeah, we'd love to add contrast as an effect eventually. As for Voxelorama, it does indeed work in 1.0 and you can download it easily by going to Edit > Preferences > Extensions > Explore Online. Enabling it adds a new tool and an option to the Image menu. If the option in the Image menu is not working, it probably means that you have an old nightly version and need to re-download, as this was recently fixed.
Thank you for the response! Bummer about contrast, but I just tried out Voxelorama with a new nightly build, and it really works, thanks! Looking forward to seeing more from this tool. I just wanted to add that Overwrite Color in the Pencil tool and the Shading Tool are my absolute favourite tools in this app! I also like how your undo feature works, how it ignores some changes like layer opacity or some things that can easily be changed with a slider. It's a small thing, but it really helps my workflow, so please never change it! Overall, this has become my favourite pixel art app. Thanks for all your hard work!
I can verify that this happens in v0.11.4, but in v1.0, it seems you can not move in two directions simultaneously anymore so this may not happen. can you confirm this in the nightly build?
Edit: Slight update, the bug has just been fixed and diagonal movement has been restored.
when using the crop tool, it would be nice to be able to drag these sliders out of bounds (drag the bottom and right margin farther than 64 and the top and left margin farther than 0)
Thanks for the feedback! We have applied the changes and they will be available in the next version. :)
Although technically you can already still increase the values of these sliders, either by using the arrow buttons of the sliders, or by clicking on them and setting a custom value.
I am indeed aware that the sliders can be increased in those ways, but there are moments in which I'd like to just quickly eye how far out I want to expand the canvas. I find the arrow buttons to be too slow for this and setting the value to be too finicky, so thanks for adding it in.
I'm using your tool for prototyping my player controller. At a certain time, I was looking for a free pixel art animation software. I was quite desperate, when I discovered Pixelorama. This software has helped me achieving everything I needed for my project.
Thank you so much for this, and thank you for making it free :)
Gentlemen, it seems you are displacing Aceprite from the status of the best program for pixel art (at least for me). I will use it, and if I understand the code, I will make and contribute my tools.
Bug Report: When selecting frames in the same layer with different opacities, clicking export causes them to all have the same opacity as the last frame selected.
Hello, thank you for the bug report! This is indeed reproducible in version 0.11.4, but it doesn't seem to happen in version 1.0, which is coming soon, so it's most likely already fixed!
Bug: when we create a frame inside a tag and move it to another tag, when exporting the animation by selecting add the tag name to the frames the tag name for these frames has been moved will be the old tag.
Feature request: able to hide the mouse arrow during the draw.
Feature request: able to move the pixel indicator freely as in non-pixel art programs, rather than moving it while it is aligned to the grid.
To be honest, I'm not sure I understand what the bug is. On my testing, creating a frame inside a tag and moving it to another tag and then exporting is working as expected. Could you give more specific steps on how to reproduce the issue?
As for the feature requests, the first one sounds nice, we'll note it for a future release! As for the second, it's not planned at the moment and it might be harder to implement, but we will keep it in mind as well as a changeable option.
Thank you, and good luck with your game! The text tool is indeed planned, we'll do our best to implement it as soon as possible, but after version 1.0 is released.
Hello, is there any tip to make the pen cursor more visible? It is nearly invisible on the canvas, and I cannot see where my pen is, especially when I zoom out.
Hello, making changes to the cursor is not possible at the moment, but you can try enabling native cursors (of your Operating System) by going to Edit, Preferences, and enabling "Use native mouse cursors" under "Cursors".
was looking for a complete and free pixel art editor, that could run on windows and linux, then people told me about this program and, oh boy, the joy i have right now for this to exist. Thank you so much! I'll be buying it in order to show support!
Wow, thank you so much, your support is massively appreciated! We're very happy that you found what you were looking for, hope you will enjoy using Pixelorama! :)
Hello! Can you provide more information? What do you mean you can't use it? Does it not open at all? Does it open and then crashes? Do any errors appear? What operating system are you using? Is it 32-bit or 64-bit?
In the v1.0-beta2 (Windows), the "Preferences" pop-up box automatically closes when switching to another application and then switching back to Pixelorama, thus the need to reopen the Preferences via menu again. In the old version, the Preferences remains open, until manually closed.
This is most likely due to the upgrade to Godot 4 and the way it handles windows. We'll see if there is an option to make it behave like it does in the previous versions. Thanks for letting us know!
Also, I tested it with other pop-up boxes, and they all behave the same as well. "Save as...", "Export as...", etc. In the v1.0-beta2 version, all the pop-up boxes behave this way.
I hope there can be a viable fix for this in Godot 4.
Hello, and thank you for the feedback. Unfortunately, macOS is generally a hit-or-miss platform because I don't have a Mac device to test Pixelorama on, thus we solely rely on user feedback.
Hy, if anyone here's interested to use the extension system, here's the "VariableStore" (Lots of extensions available there, including the next version's new curve tool and Voxelorama)
Extensions made in versions prior to v1.0 are not compatible with v1.0, and vice versa. However, version 1.0 has an integrated extension explorer that does the same thing, you can find it under the Edit menu, Preferences, Extension and clicking on "Explore Online".
Will version 1.0 be able to read files that were saved by older versions? I wanted to know if migrating from the old version to the upcoming new version will be feasible or not.
Version 1.0 will be able to open any pxo file saved starting version 0.8 and on, so you can still open your old projects. However, pxo files saved with version 1.0 cannot be opened by any earlier version, because the format has changed.
Also, version 1.0 will not be able to open palettes, shortcut profiles and extensions made for 0.x, and vice versa.
A slight correction, palettes made in 0.x can be opened in 1.0 (but not as they are.., first you'd have to export them from palette settings, and then re-import them in 1.0)
Need alpha locking options in stable build and UI improvement please.
Color picking option like complementary,tradic color wheel option need.i see the online doc this future available 1.0 dev version
but that is unstable so need stable version
What ever happen i love this app,thank you for all :)
Hy, the next stable release will be the 1.0 version which will come soon, btw, if you're interested, the dev version is kinda stable now and you can use it for your usual things. Just remember that projects saved with 1.0 will not open in 0.11.4
Wow,it’s a great app always.if possible please add pixel art theme (aseprite UI theme) or custom theme option please…UI improvement really give a engaging workflow.i already ask this on 1 year before,please consider
sometimes when i use onion skinning, i feel like the frame i'm not currently on is too opaque and i can't tell which frame i'm looking at. unless it's already a feature and i've somehow missed it, it would be nice to be able to change the opacity of previous/future frame(s)
Hey, love this tool sm! Tried it in my computer a while back and I use it to create my game assets. Though, I tried installing it on my Chromebook since my computer is under repair, how do I set it up on Linux? All it gives me is a tar.gz file
Pixelorama doesn't have a setup for Linux, There should be a pixelorama.x86_64 file in it, that should directly open pixelorama😁 (you can also rename that "folder" to anything and place it anywhere you like)
This might help (I forgot I had made a vid on it 😅)
Hmmm, the icon could be different for your case (mine is a gear due to my Linux theme). As for it not running there are a couple of things you could try, hope it helps 😁
Check if you are clicking on the (.x86_64) and not (.pck). (.x86_64) Is the correct one.
Check if it has permission to be run as executable (right click on it, go to properties, and enable checkbox that says "allow running file as executable")
Check if you are using 32 bit Linux, instead of 64 bit (if it is 32 bit then you need the 32 bit version of pixelorama). If you don't know how to check it, you can download the 32 bit pixelorama version and see if it runs or not
Thanks for the recommendation but I'm going to use flatpak as a last resort since setting it up is a bit too heavy, especially with my low storage capacity :(
I actually just realized, last update was Oct 30 2023, but :the developers seems very kind and answer basically every question, so my question is: is this project still active?
Hello! The project is very much alive, in fact we are working on it on almost a daily basis (you can see it on our GitHub Repository)! Right now we are preparing version 1.0, the biggest update so far, while also working on version 0.11.4 which will purely consist of bug fixes. We're sorry we've been quiet for these past months, but there will be news very soon!
I seem to only encounter this on projects with larger canvases. As far as I can tell, the crash is triggered whenever I am drawing with the pencil tool very quickly and I let go of it
Hmm, this is very weird then. We'll take a closer look to see if we can replicate, however the good news is that version 1.0 will not have this issue for sure, as it is using Godot 4 instead of Godot 3. We will see if we can fix it for v0.11.4, otherwise you might have to wait until v1.0, sorry!
Fell in love with this tool, the only one thing I would really love to see is an option to create a tilemap with the respective grid layout to separate all of them, it would be really helpful
At last I found a workaround, still would be cool to see a feature only for this, also is there a way to decrease the opacity of the layer you're not on?
Hello, thank you for the kind words! We plan on creating a tilemap editor eventually. As for your second question, right now it's not possible to decrease the opacity of non-selected layers. We should probably add a layer properties window that appears when you right click a layer that allows changing its opacity, in a future version.
Hello! Pixel perfect can be enabled from the Global Tool Options, which by default are below the color pickers, on the right side of the screen. The pixel perfect button is right next to the two mirroring buttons.
I have found that with this setup (in the pen tool) if you now change the value on the bottom with the ↑ button the entire program crashes (btw the linux version) (the values are locked together)
Thank you very much! The UI is created entirely with Godot's Control nodes. If you are referring to the icons, most were made by us, some are from Godot. :)
Hello! This is intended so that tools won't be changed when doing things such as entering text (for example, while entering text, the user types the letter "P", the pencil would be activated). But perhaps we could fix this in a way where the cursor doesn't have to hover the canvas in order to change tools, so it is something that we could look into in the future.
Hello, and thank you! A gizmo to quickly rotate selections is planned for a future version, but for now you can rotate by going to the Image menu and selecting Rotate Image.
← Return to tool
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Loving the release candidate. Just a few problems/suggestions here and there:
- Checking the fill shape option in the curve tool just crashes the program once you double click
- Popup windows close themselves when focusing on another window and then focusing back on pixelorama
- The draggable area for resizing popup windows is kind of small
- Not sure how raw color is supposed to work, but the sliders go all the way up to 100 and only values up to 1 seem to actually affect the color
- When playing the animation only on frames of the same tag and clicking on a frame with a different tag from the one currently playing, the animation simply goes back to the frames with the tag that was originally playing. it would be nice if the animation continued playing from the clicked frame and then playing only the frames that share its tag instead of having to pause the animation, click on the frame, and continue the animation
- It would be nice to be able to instantly zoom to different levels, like in the godot engine editor where you can press 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 to zoom in to 100%, 200%, 400%, and so on. i understand that there is an integer zooming option but my personal problem with that option is that it feels too imprecise when zoomed far out and too slow when zoomed close in
- When manually typing in the value of the canvas rotation and zoom level, bringing the cursor into the canvas deselects them
Aside from that, absolutely brilliant program as ever.
+ When using move tool, the pixels become misaligned with the pixel grid until let go
Thank you very much for the feedback!
- I can't seem to reproduce this issue in my tests. Are there any exact steps that need to be done (besides the enabling the fill shape option and double clicking) in order for it to crash?
- Unfortunately this seems to be an issue with Godot's `Window` node. In order for popup windows to close when users click outside of them, the `exclusive` flag needs to be disabled and `popup_window` needs to be enabled. But this has the side effect of the issue you described. I'm not sure if this intentional behavior from Godot's part and I might report it to them, but for now we either have to choose whether we want popup windows not to close when clicking outside and fix the issue, or leave them as is.
- Good point, they have been increased from 4 to 16 now. The change is not visible but the draggable area has indeed been increased. We could increase it more if that's not enough.
- Raw color is meant to be used for HDR, which Pixelorama does not currently support. Values higher than 1 are for HDR, which is why they have no effect. We're keeping raw mode mostly because it may be useful to choose color values that are in the range of 0-1.
- Noting it for the next version, as 1.0 is currently in release candidate and don't want to accidentally break anything 😅.
- That is a nice idea, although my main concern is that the number buttons (like 1, 2, 3, etc) could also be used for more things, such as quickly selecting frames, or even swatches from the palette. We should eventually decide which of these functionalities are more important so we can map the number buttons to it, and the rest could be combinations with other keys such as `Control` and `Shift`.
- This was a recent change, the currently selected user interface element becomes unfocused when the mouse cursor enters the canvas. This was done in order to fix issues with the keyboard arrow keys affecting the user interface when they should be affecting the canvas (either moving it or moving the active selection if there is one and a selection tool is selected). I could look into making some UI elements be exceptions to this behavior.
- This is a limitation of the layers are being blended in 1.0, which is also responsible for previewing their movement when using the move tool. Eventually I want to experiment with another way of blending layers, so this issue could be fixed then.
hello, thanks for the responses
1. sorry, i was mistaken. the program doesn't crash - it freezes, particularly on larger drawings. it does unfreeze if you wait long enough, so just a cpu/memory limitation/problem or somethin.
3. 16 seems to be enough
8. i see. i'd also like to add a related problem i've noticed: the preview does not update until you move far enough. it seems to snap at a certain number of pixels, and it scales the bigger the canvas is.
Really cool tool. Good work. But someting bothering me. Can you snap by center of 2x2 and not by corner of a pixel?
So. Imagine i have cursor over gray pixel, anywhere but right on it. So it will be botton right corner of 2x2 zone in even sized selection. If i have odd size on pencil it will be exactly the center of it. This is exactly fine.
The problem with even size, because i'd like to have center where corners shared if tool size is even.
I know this is not a github where i probably should report that, but still. Thank you. 5 stars
UPD: Looks like images is not loading, but i hope they will later.
Hello, thank you for the feedback! Are you referring to the draw tool's brush size? Due to the nature of pixels, in even sizes, it's not possible to have centered pixels, so a 2x2 brush size will always be drawn when the mouse cursor is one of its four corners.
Hi, yes, i'm talking about draw tool's brush size. I do understand that is impossible to have centered pixels on an even sized brush, but i think it can be done with having pixel corner as it's center.
I did a little demo: https://imgur.com/a/QMQrWOM.
This does seem like a smoother way to do it, and I wondered at first why this is not already how it works, but I think it might actually make drawing precise or straight lines a bit difficult, so I think this would be better as a toggleable option. Maybe call it "dynamic brush centering" or something.
Sure it will be better as an option!
Hello! I really like this tool and the improvements for the 1.0 version are gamechangers! I was just wondering if it would be possible to add contrast as an effect? I really hate having to go to another app to adjust contrast and RGB balance. Also, does Voxelorama work? All it does is add a new menu item that doesn't seem to do anything in my 1.0 nightly build, and I can't get any info on how it works.
Hello! Yeah, we'd love to add contrast as an effect eventually. As for Voxelorama, it does indeed work in 1.0 and you can download it easily by going to Edit > Preferences > Extensions > Explore Online. Enabling it adds a new tool and an option to the Image menu. If the option in the Image menu is not working, it probably means that you have an old nightly version and need to re-download, as this was recently fixed.
Thank you for the response! Bummer about contrast, but I just tried out Voxelorama with a new nightly build, and it really works, thanks! Looking forward to seeing more from this tool. I just wanted to add that Overwrite Color in the Pencil tool and the Shading Tool are my absolute favourite tools in this app! I also like how your undo feature works, how it ignores some changes like layer opacity or some things that can easily be changed with a slider. It's a small thing, but it really helps my workflow, so please never change it! Overall, this has become my favourite pixel art app. Thanks for all your hard work!
Thank you for all the kind words!
bug report: selection becomes misaligned with pixel grid when going two directions simultaneously using arrow buttons (please see attached video demo)
I can verify that this happens in v0.11.4, but in v1.0, it seems you can not move in two directions simultaneously anymore so this may not happen.
can you confirm this in the nightly build?
Edit: Slight update, the bug has just been fixed and diagonal movement has been restored.
Sorry for the late reply, Itch takes 4 hours to notify me for some reason.
Good to hear, though. Thanks.
when using the crop tool, it would be nice to be able to drag these sliders out of bounds (drag the bottom and right margin farther than 64 and the top and left margin farther than 0)
not sure if itch deleted my image or something, but i'm talking about the margin sliders in the tool options panel
Thanks for the feedback! We have applied the changes and they will be available in the next version. :)
Although technically you can already still increase the values of these sliders, either by using the arrow buttons of the sliders, or by clicking on them and setting a custom value.
Good to hear.
I am indeed aware that the sliders can be increased in those ways, but there are moments in which I'd like to just quickly eye how far out I want to expand the canvas. I find the arrow buttons to be too slow for this and setting the value to be too finicky, so thanks for adding it in.
I'm using your tool for prototyping my player controller. At a certain time, I was looking for a free pixel art animation software. I was quite desperate, when I discovered Pixelorama. This software has helped me achieving everything I needed for my project.
Thank you so much for this, and thank you for making it free :)
Always happy to help! We're glad that you found Pixelorama useful, and good luck with your project!
Thank you !
Gentlemen, it seems you are displacing Aceprite from the status of the best program for pixel art (at least for me). I will use it, and if I understand the code, I will make and contribute my tools.
Thank you so much! Contributions are always welcome!
Bug Report:
When selecting frames in the same layer with different opacities, clicking export causes them to all have the same opacity as the last frame selected.
Hello, thank you for the bug report! This is indeed reproducible in version 0.11.4, but it doesn't seem to happen in version 1.0, which is coming soon, so it's most likely already fixed!
Good to know, thanks.
Hello! Thanks for the software!
Bug: when we create a frame inside a tag and move it to another tag, when exporting the animation by selecting add the tag name to the frames the tag name for these frames has been moved will be the old tag.
Feature request: able to hide the mouse arrow during the draw.
Feature request: able to move the pixel indicator freely as in non-pixel art programs, rather than moving it while it is aligned to the grid.
Hello, thank you for the feedback!
To be honest, I'm not sure I understand what the bug is. On my testing, creating a frame inside a tag and moving it to another tag and then exporting is working as expected. Could you give more specific steps on how to reproduce the issue?
As for the feature requests, the first one sounds nice, we'll note it for a future release! As for the second, it's not planned at the moment and it might be harder to implement, but we will keep it in mind as well as a changeable option.
I think you can reproduce the issue following this steps:
1. In a new project with just one frame create a Tag
2. Make a new frame (it will be inserted inside of the Tag)
3. Change the Tag just to the first frame and create a new Tag to the second
4. Ctrl + Shift + E to export. Choose in "Frames" one of the tags and in advanced enable "Include frame tags in the file name" and export
Results: I've had experiences where the tag name entered was the wrong name. Now no tag name is being entered.
Thank you so much for the detailed steps, they were a great help! The bug just got fixed, and the fix will be included in the next stable version.
Nice! When you update the nightly version let me know if you want me to do some more testing on this.
Hy 👋, the nightly versions immediately get updated whenever something changes you can try them out here:
Nice tool!
Thank you!
Great tool, making my first pixel art game sprites for godot with it. Can't wait to see the text tool included in next releases.
Thank you, and good luck with your game! The text tool is indeed planned, we'll do our best to implement it as soon as possible, but after version 1.0 is released.
Hello, is there any tip to make the pen cursor more visible? It is nearly invisible on the canvas, and I cannot see where my pen is, especially when I zoom out.
Hello, making changes to the cursor is not possible at the moment, but you can try enabling native cursors (of your Operating System) by going to Edit, Preferences, and enabling "Use native mouse cursors" under "Cursors".
Going around to find interesting stuff on itch and found this. Amazing pixel art editor, nice job guys
Thank you so much!
was looking for a complete and free pixel art editor, that could run on windows and linux, then people told me about this program and, oh boy, the joy i have right now for this to exist. Thank you so much! I'll be buying it in order to show support!
Wow, thank you so much, your support is massively appreciated! We're very happy that you found what you were looking for, hope you will enjoy using Pixelorama! :)
v1.0-beta2 (Windows)
When checking "Snap To Rectangular Grid Center" in the View > Snap To
it does not get saved. When restarting Pixelorama, the the "Snap To Rectangular Grid Center" is automatically reset back to be unchecked.
I hope this can be fixed in the next release
Thanks for reporting! We just pushed a fix. :)
Looking great, an android version would be amazing
We will work on it eventually, but we need to make the user interface more friendly for touch screen, so it might take a while.
i cant use it >:(
Hello! Can you provide more information? What do you mean you can't use it? Does it not open at all? Does it open and then crashes? Do any errors appear? What operating system are you using? Is it 32-bit or 64-bit?
In the v1.0-beta2 (Windows), the "Preferences" pop-up box automatically closes when switching to another application and then switching back to Pixelorama, thus the need to reopen the Preferences via menu again. In the old version, the Preferences remains open, until manually closed.
Is this a bug in the new version?
Or, is it part of the new functionality?
Thank you
This is most likely due to the upgrade to Godot 4 and the way it handles windows. We'll see if there is an option to make it behave like it does in the previous versions. Thanks for letting us know!
You welcome!
Also, I tested it with other pop-up boxes, and they all behave the same as well. "Save as...", "Export as...", etc. In the v1.0-beta2 version, all the pop-up boxes behave this way.
I hope there can be a viable fix for this in Godot 4.
Thank you!
Hello, i have a issue of where it doesnt move at all unless i move to a different app on my pc, then it moves, kinda like a weeping angel situation.
Don't blink! Joking aside, what do you mean by it doesn't move? Are you referring to Pixelorama's window, or something inside Pixelorama?
It's pretty broken on Mac. I'm looking for a new pixel art app to purchase to replace Photoshop but I can't use this
• Crashed when I tried to resize the window
• Menu bar is in the app window instead of the top of the screen like all other mac apps
• Window doesn't have a shadow (not a dealbreaker but just weird)
Since it crashed the first time I clicked, I couldn't see anything else good or bad about it
Hello, and thank you for the feedback. Unfortunately, macOS is generally a hit-or-miss platform because I don't have a Mac device to test Pixelorama on, thus we solely rely on user feedback.
Hy, if anyone here's interested to use the extension system, here's the "VariableStore" (Lots of extensions available there, including the next version's new curve tool and Voxelorama)
Pixelorama v1.0 is currently in beta, but is this extension fully compatible with it? Thank you
Extensions made in versions prior to v1.0 are not compatible with v1.0, and vice versa. However, version 1.0 has an integrated extension explorer that does the same thing, you can find it under the Edit menu, Preferences, Extension and clicking on "Explore Online".
The integrated extension explorer in v1.0 is very nice! Thank you!
Will version 1.0 be able to read files that were saved by older versions? I wanted to know if migrating from the old version to the upcoming new version will be feasible or not.
Version 1.0 will be able to open any pxo file saved starting version 0.8 and on, so you can still open your old projects. However, pxo files saved with version 1.0 cannot be opened by any earlier version, because the format has changed.
Also, version 1.0 will not be able to open palettes, shortcut profiles and extensions made for 0.x, and vice versa.
A slight correction, palettes made in 0.x can be opened in 1.0 (but not as they are.., first you'd have to export them from palette settings, and then re-import them in 1.0)
Yes, you can export palettes as images in version 0.11.4, which you can later import as palettes in 1.0.
Thank you. This is good news!
Thank you. This is good news!
Need alpha locking options in stable build and UI improvement please.
Color picking option like complementary,tradic color wheel option need.i see the online doc this future available 1.0 dev version but that is unstable so need stable version
What ever happen i love this app,thank you for all :)
Hy, the next stable release will be the 1.0 version which will come soon, btw, if you're interested, the dev version is kinda stable now and you can use it for your usual things. Just remember that projects saved with 1.0 will not open in 0.11.4
i already try it.
Alpha locking and multiple color wheels are in version 1.0 like you mentioned. Patience until it becomes stable :)
ok. i know thanks
Wow,it’s a great app always.if possible please add pixel art theme (aseprite UI theme) or custom theme option please…UI improvement really give a engaging workflow.i already ask this on 1 year before,please consider
Hello! There are currently no plans for a pixel art theme, but an extension could potentially be created that adds a pixel art theme in the future.
i will waiting
any plans for adding layer blending options in the future?
i think available in v1.0 dev release (Unstable)
Hello, layer blending modes are coming in version 1.0!
sometimes when i use onion skinning, i feel like the frame i'm not currently on is too opaque and i can't tell which frame i'm looking at. unless it's already a feature and i've somehow missed it, it would be nice to be able to change the opacity of previous/future frame(s)
Changing opacity is not yet possible but you can set it so that onion frame are placed below the current frame
oh yeah, i forgot you could that. definitely helps, thanks!
Literally changed my life. Also, GODOT
That's very sweet, always happy to hear that our project had a positive impact.💚 And yeah, Godot is amazing!
Would it be possible to have a tile picker similar to Pyxeledit?
Hello! It will happen eventually, but after version 1.0 is out.
Hey, love this tool sm! Tried it in my computer a while back and I use it to create my game assets. Though, I tried installing it on my Chromebook since my computer is under repair, how do I set it up on Linux? All it gives me is a tar.gz file
Hy 👋, tar.gz is another compressed folder, you'd have to uncompress it as well.
Alr, just got the folder from it, but now what? Sorry if I'm asking unrelated questions I'm pretty new to the Linux setup
Pixelorama doesn't have a setup for Linux, There should be a pixelorama.x86_64 file in it, that should directly open pixelorama😁 (you can also rename that "folder" to anything and place it anywhere you like)
This might help (I forgot I had made a vid on it 😅)
Strange, when I double click it, it doesn't open and i dont see a gear icon on the file either
Hmmm, the icon could be different for your case (mine is a gear due to my Linux theme). As for it not running there are a couple of things you could try, hope it helps 😁
Hello! If you're having trouble, you could also try downloading it as a Flatpak https://flathub.org/apps/com.orama_interactive.Pixelorama
Thanks for the recommendation but I'm going to use flatpak as a last resort since setting it up is a bit too heavy, especially with my low storage capacity :(
I actually just realized, last update was Oct 30 2023, but :the developers seems very kind and answer basically every question, so my question is: is this project still active?
Hello! The project is very much alive, in fact we are working on it on almost a daily basis (you can see it on our GitHub Repository)! Right now we are preparing version 1.0, the biggest update so far, while also working on version 0.11.4 which will purely consist of bug fixes. We're sorry we've been quiet for these past months, but there will be news very soon!
That's so exciting! Can't wait for the release
The next release is now here 🎉
Soon as I have some money I'll support y'all 🙏🏼
Keep up the hard work, truly one of the best projects I have encountered.
We really appreciate the kind words, thank you!
I’m a donor, so a reminder to people who want to keep this project active to also donate.
Thank you so much for your support!
I like very much. However, i am often encountering crashes with this error in the log files:
ERROR: Can't resize PoolVector if locked.
at: resize (./core/pool_vector.h:589) - Condition "alloc->lock.get() > 0" is true. Returned: ERR_LOCKED
I seem to only encounter this on projects with larger canvases. As far as I can tell, the crash is triggered whenever I am drawing with the pencil tool very quickly and I let go of it
Hello! Are you using the latest stable version (0.11.3)? This used to be a bug in past versions, but it should be fixed now.
Yep, i am indeed on v0.11.3
Hmm, this is very weird then. We'll take a closer look to see if we can replicate, however the good news is that version 1.0 will not have this issue for sure, as it is using Godot 4 instead of Godot 3. We will see if we can fix it for v0.11.4, otherwise you might have to wait until v1.0, sorry!
That's alright. Nice to hear it'll be fixed though. Thanks
Hey, just confirming that the crash no longer happens for me in v0.11.4. Thanks for fixing it!
That's awesome, glad to know the issue is resolved!
Fell in love with this tool, the only one thing I would really love to see is an option to create a tilemap with the respective grid layout to separate all of them, it would be really helpful
At last I found a workaround, still would be cool to see a feature only for this, also is there a way to decrease the opacity of the layer you're not on?
Hello, thank you for the kind words! We plan on creating a tilemap editor eventually. As for your second question, right now it's not possible to decrease the opacity of non-selected layers. We should probably add a layer properties window that appears when you right click a layer that allows changing its opacity, in a future version.
No problem, one last question: when you select a region is there a way to rotate it? Other than that keep up the good work, it looks amazing
Yes, you can go the Image menu and select Rotate Image. Eventually we will add gizmos on the selection itself, like there are gizmos for resizing.
I also need it, how did you do it lmao
I set the grid to be 32x32 since I needed 32x32 sprites, then with a calculator just extended the space to draw on
Hi, in the new version I can't find the pixel perfect option, was it removed?
Hello! Pixel perfect can be enabled from the Global Tool Options, which by default are below the color pickers, on the right side of the screen. The pixel perfect button is right next to the two mirroring buttons.
Thank you, this app is simple to use
You are welcome! :)
I have found that with this setup (in the pen tool) if you now change the value on the bottom with the ↑ button the entire program crashes (btw the linux version) (the values are locked together)
Good catch! We just fixed this issue and the fix will be in version 0.11.4. Thank you very much for reporting!
Hey, nice job! I mean, this is awesome! How you did the UI? Using Godot UI or by hand?
Thank you very much! The UI is created entirely with Godot's Control nodes. If you are referring to the icons, most were made by us, some are from Godot. :)
I just try it and fall in love with this tool. Thanks!
It means a lot to us, thank you!
Hello, I am currently using version 0.10.1 and the keyboard shortcuts to change tool only work when hovering the canvas. Can this be fixed?
Hello! This is intended so that tools won't be changed when doing things such as entering text (for example, while entering text, the user types the letter "P", the pencil would be activated). But perhaps we could fix this in a way where the cursor doesn't have to hover the canvas in order to change tools, so it is something that we could look into in the future.
Hello. I like this software. I would recommend adding a rotation tool when you have time! Bye now!
Hello, and thank you! A gizmo to quickly rotate selections is planned for a future version, but for now you can rotate by going to the Image menu and selecting Rotate Image.